Position: Board member
Born: Sweden, 1951
Elected: 2011
Shareholding in Skanska as of December 31, 2024 (own and closely related persons)
- 24,637,376 shares, of which 6,037,376 Class A shares and 18,600,000 Class B shares
Other board assignments
- Chair, AB Industrivärden
- Chair, Holmen AB
- Chair, Hufvudstaden AB
- Vice Chair, Handelsbanken AB
- Board member, L E Lundbergföretagen AB
- M.Sc. Engineering, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
- Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Stockholm School of Economics
- Dr. (Econ.) h.c., Stockholm School of Economics
- Dr. (Eng.) h.c., Linköping University
- Dr. (Med.) h.c., Karolinska Institutet
Work experience
- President and CEO, L E Lundbergföretagen AB (since 1981)
Dependent in relation to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code
- Independent in relation to the company and its executive management
- Dependent in relation to major shareholders