Position: Board member
Born: Sweden, 1966
Elected: 2024
Shareholding in Skanska as of as of December 31, 2024 (own and closely related persons)
- 5,000 Class B shares
Other board assignments
- Board member, Holmen AB
- Board member, Cepi (the Confederation of European Paper Industries)
- Board member, Svenskt Näringsliv (the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise)
- Board member, Skogsindustrierna (the Swedish Forest Industries Federation)
- Board member, Industriarbetsgivarna (the Swedish Association of Industrial Employers)
- Master of Science in Business and Economics, Linköping University
Work experience
- President and CEO, Holmen AB (since 2014)
- CEO, Holmen Paper
- Marketing and Sales Manager, Holmen Paper
- Sales Manager Nordics, Holmen Paper
Dependent in relation to the Swedish Corporate Governance Code:
- Independent in relation to the company and its executive management
- Dependent in relation to major shareholders