What the Compensation Committee does
The main task of the Compensation Committee is to prepare recommendations for Board decisions on:
- The appointment of the President and CEO and other Group Leadership Team members
- The salary and other compensation for the President and CEO
- Compensation, pension and employment terms for members of Skanska's Management, the Group Leadership Team
- Incentive programs and examines the outcome of variable slary components
Members of the Compensation Committee
The Compensation Committee consists of:
- Hans Biörck, Chairman (board member since 2016)
- Pär Boman (board member since 2015)
- Jan Gurander (board member since 2019)
The members are appointed annually at the statutory meeting of the Board.
Committee's work in 2023
The committee held five ordinary meetings in 2023 and one extra meeting per capsulam. For meeting attendance, view the page Work of the board.
Important matters addressed during the year:
- Review of Skanska's variable remuneration programs for the senior executives
- Review and evaluation of the application of the guidelines for salary and other remuneration to senior executives adopted by the Annual General Meeting 2020 and revised by the Annual General Meeting 2023 as well as the existing remuneration structures and levels in the company
- Review of senior executives' other assignments
- Review and preparation of, for resolution by the Board of Directors and subsequent referral to the Annual General Meeting 2024 for adoption, a remuneration report for 2023, detailing paid and outstanding remuneration that is covered under the remuneration guidelines
- In relation to review of the Skanska employee ownership program for the financial years 2023, 2024 and 2025 (Seop 6) resolved by the Annual General Meeting 2022, the committee discussed the outcome for 2023 of the Seop 6 specific performance targets set by the Board. Seop 6 is the first Skanska employee ownership program that supplements the growth in Earnings Per Share target at Group level with a climate target at Group level linked to the Group’s reduction of carbon emissions within scope 1 and scope 2