
Skanska rebuilds New Alingsås Hospital, Sweden, for SEK 420 million

6/3/2016 8:30 AM CET
Press release

Skanska has signed a contract with Västfastigheter to renovate and expand the New Alingsås Hospital in Sweden. The contract is worth about SEK 420 million, which will be included in the order bookings for Skanska Sweden for the second quarter in 2016.

New Alingsås Hospital will become an emergency hospital with a community care profile and increased responsibility for planned care in the surrounding area and the rest of the Västra Götaland region.

The project consists of 8,000 square meters of new construction and 13,000 square meters remodeling. The hospital will get new facilities for health care and new premises for administration and education. There will also be a new entrance with reception, café and waiting areas. The refurbishment includes the facilities for intensive care, orthopedics, laboratories, pharmacy, restaurant and kitchen.

Construction has started and the project will be completed in spring 2020.

Skanska is one of the largest project development and construction companies in Sweden, with operations in building and civil engineering as well as in residential and commercial development. The unit has about 10 000 employees. Revenues from construction amounted to SEK 27 billion in Sweden in 2015. Residential development sold about 2 200 new homes. Skanska also offers services in public-private partnerships.

Contact: Thomas Johansson, Verksamhetsutvecklare
Telephone +46104486009

Contact: Andreas Joons, Media Relations Manager
Telephone 0104490494