
Skanska invests SEK 1.3 billion in the office building Solna United in Sweden

6/7/2016 7:50 AM CET
Press release

Skanska invests SEK 1.3 billion in the office building Solna United next to Solna station just north of Stockholm, Sweden. The construction contract has been awarded Skanska Sweden and is worth SEK 1 billion, which will be included in the order bookings for Skanska Sweden in the second quarter 2016.

Solna United will be a modern office building with ten floors and garage in the basement. The building is about 33,000 square meters and in addition to office space it is planned for a main floor with restaurant, café and places to meet. There will also be a rooftop with so-called pods, small glassed-in rooms, for work, meetings and inspiration.

Construction work has begun and includes demolition of the existing office building on the site. Solna United will be available for occupancy in the summer of 2019.

Skanska Commercial Development Nordic initiates and develops property projects in offices, logistics, business premises and rental apartments. The company’s operations are concentrated in the three metropolitan regions in Sweden, the Copenhagen region in Denmark, the Oslo region in Norway, as well as Helsinki in Finland. The development of logistic properties are conducted in strategic locations in Sweden and rental apartments in Copenhagen. 

Contact: Bengt Staaff, Chef Arbetsmiljö och seriositet
Telephone +46104481233

Contact: Andreas Joons, Media Relations Manager
Telephone 0104490494