Skanska to upgrade Gråsjø and Trollheim hydro electric power plant dams in Norway for NOK 508 M, about SEK 485 M
Skanska has signed a contract with Statkraft Energi AS for the refurbishment and upgrade of four dams and one flood gate. The contract is worth NOK 508 M, about SEK 485 M, which will be included in the Nordic order bookings for the third quarter 2020.

The dams serve as reservoirs for Gråsjø and Trollheim hydro electric power plants in Surnadal and Rindal municipalities in Norway. The dams at Gråsjø are water reservoirs for the power plant with the same name, while the dam at Follsjø provides water for Trollheim power plant. The dams need to be refurbished and upgraded to meet modern day standards.
The construction work is expected to start in Q1 2021 and be completed by September 1st 2025. Both power plants are owned and operated by Statkraft Energi AS.
Skanska is one of the leading development- and construction companies in the Nordics, with operations in building construction and civil engineering in Sweden, Norway and Finland, and developing residential- and commercial property projects in select home markets. The commercial development stream is also active in Denmark. Skanska had sales of about SEK 70 billion and more than 15,200 employees in its Nordic operations during 2019.