Invitation to press- and audio conference regarding Skanska’s Year-end report 2024 on February 7
Skanska’s Year-end report 2024 will be released on Friday, January 7 at 07:30 am CET.
The report will be presented by Anders Danielsson, Skanska’s President and CEO, and Pontus Winqvist, acting CFO for the Year-end report 2024, at a press- and audio conference at 10:00 am CET at Skanska’s head office at Warfvinges väg 25 in Stockholm. The press conference will be webcasted live at, where it also will be posted shortly afterwards.
Participate in the audio conference, with the possibility to ask questions:
To improve the quality of sound during the Q&A for participants and presenters we are now providing an additional high quality audio link.
• Preferred connection (web link): For best audio quality, please join the call from your phone via the HD Audio web link here: HD Audio link
• Backup connection (phone number): If you need to call in via a telephone line use these numbers:
o +46 (0)8 5051 0031
o +44 (0) 207 107 06 13
o +1 (1) 631 570 56 13
After the conference, there will be possibilities for individual meetings with Pontus Winqvist. To apply for a meeting please contact no later than February 5.
Antonia Junelind, SVP, Investor Relations
Karolina Cederhage, SVP, Communications