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Hamnbanan, Göteborg

  • After almost a year of testing and documentation, Skanska was able to start casting Green concrete at Hamnbanan in Gothenburg.
  • The concrete is estimated to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by at least 40 percent.
  • The Green concrete from Skanska can now be used in infrastructure projects.
  • Skanska is building a new double track for Hamnbanan.
  • During the Easter weekend, we connected the temporary tracks that will be used by the trains while Hamnbanan is being built.
  • We worked around the clock during the Easter weekend.
  • Production started in February 2020.
  • The project includes the section Eriksberg–Pölsebo.
  • The track we are constructing will be 1,900 meters long.
  • Our assignment includes 4,000 meters of new rail.
  • The need for freight transport is increasing rapidly.
  • The project will be completed in 2024.

The link to the port is being expanded

The harbor track in Gothenburg is the major railway link for all goods that come to and from the Port of Gothenburg. 30 percent of Sweden's exported goods leave from here and the need for freight transport is increasing rapidly. Hamnbanan is a single-track railway and parts of the track have to be replaced with a double-track.

Skanska has been commissioned by the Swedish Transport Administration to build double tracks through a tunnel. The project includes the section Eriksberg–Pölsebo. We started working in the autumn of 2019 and the entire project will be completed in 2024.

Through a hill and under a park

We are building a new double track that will deviate from the current track after the bridge Nordviksbron. The tracks then go down into a tunnel that continues through the hill Bratteråsberget, under the park Krokängsparken and finally ends at Pölsebo where the new tracks connect to the current tracks.

The track we are constructing will be 1,900 meters long, of which 1,100 meters will be in a tunnel. Our assignment also includes the construction of temporary tracks for traffic diversion, demolition of the existing facility including a bridge, extensive pipe and wire diversions, new pedestrian and bicycle paths, a new football field and a new clubhouse for Eriksbergs IF.

Project planning started in 2019

We began project planning in the fall of 2019. In the spring of 2020, preparatory work with pipes and trees was carried out. The work with trees included felling, protection and even moving some small trees. We have removed the embankment towards the railway, along Västra Eriksbergsgatan, to make room for pipes and temporary tracks.

Temporary tracks

Production started in February 2020. During the Easter weekend, we connected the temporary tracks that will be used by the trains while Hamnbanan is being built.

During the spring of 2020, Säterigatan was closed to car traffic between Valskvarnsgatan and Danagatan. It is planned to reopen in 2023.

Work underground

This is an advanced and comprehensive project where most of our work takes place underground. The challenges are many; working with foundations in Gothenburg's muddy ground is one of the tougher ones. We have to excavate and anchor below the groundwater level. In addition, the valley where we break through is full of water, sewage pipes, broadband and telephone cables and gas pipes. We have to reroute pipes and wires several times.

Protecting the nature

The tunnel passes under the popular park Krokängsparken. The park has plenty of old, hollow oaks which provide habitats for insects, bird species and bats.

We strive not to disturb nature in the park. There is a maintenance plan for trees, animals and plants in the park that the municipality’s Park and Nature Administration has developed. There is also a very old oak that will be moved to make way for a new football field.

Green concrete reduces emissions

The decision was made to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents by 25 percent. As the concrete accounts for the largest part of carbon dioxide emissions in the project, we decided to use Green construction concrete.

Hamnbanan is the first really large project where Skanska uses Green construction concrete. In green concrete, slag replaces parts of the amount of cement, which accounts for the largest carbon dioxide emissions. Slag is residual material from, among other things, steel production, a mixture of different minerals and lime.

The concrete used in Hamnbanan generates 40 to 50 percent less carbon dioxide emissions. And since the concrete accounts for half of the emissions in the project, it is possible to achieve a total reduction of 25 percent.

In total, our assignment includes:

  • 90 + 210 meters of rock tunnel and 320 + 270 + 220 meters of concrete tunnel
  • 20 + 290 meters of trough and 700 meters of other support structures
  • 200,000 cubic meters of earth excavations and about 100,000 cubic meters of rock excavation
  • Piling of tunnel and trough
  • Temporary support structures
  • Rerouting wires and pipes
  • 4,000 meters of new rail and 2,200 meters of contact rail
  • Six new railroad switches, a railroad crossing and 850 meters of temporary rail
  • Demolition of 3,300 meters of rail including a bridge


Anders Alsér


Service: Construction
Mark segment: Railway/subway stations, Railways
Start date: 2019
Completion date: 2024
Clients: Trafikverket
Country: Sweden
City: Göteborg
Project status: Completed