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Bus and Tram Route (TAT) in Wroclaw

  • TAT Wrocław
  • TAT Wrocław
  • TAT Wrocław

The third and at the same time final section of the TAT, which we have completed, starts from the Rogowska-Strzegomska intersection and ends at the bus terminal on Zemska Street. This is the final stage of the entire investment, which allows full use of the entire TAT route to Nowy Dwór. The TAT is a total of nearly 7 kilometers of bus and streetcar route.
As part of the investment, we built a new track, four pairs of streetcar and bus stops, a bicycle path, and new sidewalks. The scope of work also included reconstruction of the roadway, construction of lighting and development of the road lane and planting of greenery. An important element of the project is a P&R parking lot for 70 cars and with charging spaces for electric buses.
The entire TAT route to Nowy Dwór in Wroclaw is one of the largest transportation investments in the history of the city, for which public transportation is a priority. The realization of the entire route brings benefits not only to the residents of Nowy Dwór, but also to commuters to Wroclaw, who will be able to leave their cars in the P&R parking lot and then change to a streetcar and continue to the center by a faster and more environmentally friendly means of transportation.


Service: Construction
Mark segment: Civil, Railways
Start date: 2022
Completion date: 2023
Clients: Urząd Miasta Wrocławia
Country: Poland
City: Wroclaw
Project status: Completed