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Passage over railway junction Usti nad Labem

  • railway station Usti nad Labem1
  • railway station Usti nad Labem2
  • railway station Usti nad Labem3
  • railway bridge at the railway station Usti nad Labem
  • railway station Usti nad Labem4

The construction of the passage through the Ústí nad Labem railway junction consited in the modernisation of the line section from km 514.559 to 520.613 and  completed the modernisation of the 1st transit corridor Děčín – Prague –Česká Třebová – Brno – Břeclav, on the north Prague – Děčín branch. The purpose of this construction was to achieve higher speeds, to shorten travelling times of train connections. At the same time it was increase the safety of the railway operation through the construction of a new interlocking system and prepare it for remote control of operation. The construction of this new equipment was provide significant savings in labour force and costs of operation.


Tomáš Princ Ing.
Oblastní manažer


Service: Construction
Mark segment: Railways
Start date: 2005
Completion date: 2009
Clients: Správa železniční dopravní cesty, státní organizace, České dráhy
Country: Czech Republic
City: Ústí nad Labem
Contract value: 2.3 billion CZK
Project status: Completed