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Fulton Street Transit Center A/C Mezzanine Reconstruction & J/M/Z Vertical Circulation

Sustainability and green

Currently, Skanska has three ongoing projects at the site of the new Fulton Street Center.
The $123 million contract A-36121 was awarded in July 2010 and involves reconfiguration of the
upper and lower mezzanines of the A/C Broadway/Nassau Station to allow for better passenger
flow and interface with the future transit center. It also provides improved vertical circulation
with the addition of two street elevators, three platform elevators and two escalators as well as
new multiple stairs throughout the station. This project also includes a new structural envelope at
the existing mezzanines utilizing new heavy steel girders across the mezzanine, thus eliminating
all center columns, new finishes at the A/C platform and mezzanines, upgrade to electrical and
communication systems, three new subway entrances and control areas and extended ADA
platforms at the J/Z subway. Contract A-36138 ($17 million) was awarded in April 2010 for the
R/W, Dey Street and 4/5 concourse finishes and mechanical work. This contract will provide the
finishes in the Dey Street underpass between Broadway and Church Street and R/W concourse in
preparation for the connection to the World Trade Center PATH station. This project also includes
two new elevators and staircases at the new R/W concourse. Contract A-36165 ($15million) was
awarded in June 2010 for the R/W Cortlandt Street station southbound platform rehabilitation,
including soil stabilization, southbound track realignment, ADA platform, wall and ceiling
finishes, platform lighting and a new staircase from the southbound platform to the existing station
underpass at Cortland Street.